The Spirit of Prophecy

Answers to Objections - Modern Prophets - F D Nichol
Answers to Objections - Spiritual Gifts - F D Nichol
Bible Doctrines - False Prophets - O A Johnson
Bible Doctrines - False Prophets Apostles and Teachers - O A Johnson
Bible Doctrines - Prophetic Gift The - A F J Kranz
Bible Doctrines - Prophets and Prophetesses in the Christian Church - O A Johnson
Bible Doctrines - Revelation from God - O A Johnson
Bible Doctrines - Review Questions on the Prophetic Gift - O A Johnson
Bible Doctrines - Signs of a True Prophet - O A Johnson
Bible Doctrines - Tests of a True Prophet - A F J Kranz
Bible Footlights - Office and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Bible Handbook - Spirit of Prophecy - Stephen N Haskell
Bible Reasons Why You Should Be a Seventh-day Adventist - Spirit of Prophecy - M E Kern
Bible Studies - Prophetic Gifts - G B Starr
Christian Beliefs - Gift of Prophecy I - III The - T H Jemison
Day by Day - Spiritual Gifts - F M Wilcox
Doctrinal Discussions SDA Response to Walter Martin's Truth about Adventism - Alleged Outside Influence on Ellen White - General Conference
Fundamentals of Bible Doctrine - Gift of Prophecy The - A J Weaner
Fundamentals of Bible Doctrine - Prophetic Gift The - A J Weaner
Fundamentals of Bible Doctrine - Spirit of Prophecy The - A J Weaner
Handbook of SDA Theology - Spiritual Gifts - George Rice
In Defense of the Faith - Work of Mrs. E G White, The - W H Branson
Spirit of Prophecy in the Remnant Church The - General Conference Committee Bible Conference